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Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь - coach


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Перевод с английского языка coach на русский

ж.-д. сидячий вагон Пассажирский вагон второго класса с мягкими креслами самолетного типа. Преобладающий тип вагона в США
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См. в других словарях

  1. карета, экипаж 2. ист. почтовая карета 3. ж-д. пассажирский вагон, разделенный на купе day coach —- классный вагон, без спальных мест 4. ам. пассажирский вагон с сидячими местами 5. ам. второй класс (в самолете) 6. (туристский) междугородный автобус 7. ам. жилой трейлер; дом на колесах 8. ам. закрытый автомобиль Id: to drive a coach and horses through —- найти лазейку для того, чтобы свести на нет закон, постановление, соглашение Id: to ride in the marrow-bone coach —- ехать на своих двоих, идти пешком 9. спорт. тренер, инструктор national coach —- тренер сборной страны 10. унив. разг. репетитор (подготавливающий к экзамену) 11. учитель, преподаватель drama coach —- преподаватель драматического искусства singing coach —- учитель пения 12. концертмейстер-репетитор 13. австрал. домашнее животное, используемое для приманки диких 14. спорт. тренировать, готовить к состязаниям; обучать 15. спорт. тренироваться, готовиться к состязаниям 16. ав. инструктировать летчика по радио во время ночных полетов 17. унив. разг. натаскивать к экзамену, репетировать 18. унив. разг. заниматься с репетитором, преподавателем 19. разучивать партии с певцами ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) карета, экипаж coach and four (six) - карета, запряженная четверкой (шестеркой)  2) railways пассажирский вагон  3) автобус (междугородного сообщения)  4) hist. почтовая карета to drive a coach and four/six through - свести на нет, аннулировать, обойти закон (юридическое постановление и т.п.), ссылаясь на неточность или неясность в тексте; найти лазейку  2. v.  1) ехать в карете  2) перевозить в карете II  1. noun  1) репетитор (подготавливающий к экзаменам)  2) тренер; инструктор  2. v.  1) подготавливать/натаскивать к экзамену (for) The boy needs to be specially coached for the examination.  2) заниматься с репетитором  3) тренировать, подготавливать к состязаниям (for) Who will coach our team for the games?  4) aeron. инструктировать пилота по radio во время ночных полетов ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. тренер, наставник; инструктор football coach — тренер по футболу Syn: trainer 2) обр. учитель, преподаватель, репетитор drama coach — преподаватель драматического искусства singing coach — учитель пения Syn: tutor 3) обр., разг. репетитор (подготавливающий к вступительным или выпускным экзаменам в университете) Syn: tutor 2. гл. 1) спорт. готовить к соревнованиям состязаниям, тренировать He's coaching me and some other men for the World Cup. — Он готовит меня и еще нескольких спортсменов к чемпионату мира. Syn: tutor, train 2) обр. готовить натаскивать к экзамену конкурсному испытанию 3) обр. брать частные уроки (у репетитора); заниматься с репетитором преподавателем ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) автобус дальнего следования 2) ж.-д. пассажирский вагон 3) тренер тренировать - motor coach ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) англ. пассажирский вагон; амер. пассажирский вагон с местами для сидения 2) двухдверной седан 3) туристский автобус - double-deck coach - high-decker coach - high-density coach - high-speed coach - lightweight coach - luxury coach - panorama coach - parlor coach - series-built coach - steam-heated coach - third-class coach - tilting coach - trolley coach ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a single-decker bus, usu. comfortably equipped for longer journeys. 2 a railway carriage. 3 a horse-drawn carriage, usu. closed, esp. a State carriage or a stagecoach. 4 a an instructor or trainer in sport. b a private tutor. 5 US economy-class seating in an aircraft. 6 Austral. a docile cow or bullock used as a decoy to attract wild cattle. --v. 1 tr. a train or teach (a pupil, sports team, etc.) as a coach. b give hints to; prime with facts. 2 intr. travel by stagecoach (in the old coaching days). Phrases and idioms coach-built (of motor-car bodies) individually built by craftsmen. coach-house an outhouse for carriages. coach station a stopping-place for a number of coaches, usu. with buildings and amenities. Etymology: F coche f. Magyar kocsi (adj.) f. Kocs in Hungary ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  (coaches, coaching, coached) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A coach is someone who trains a person or team of people in a particular sport. Tony Woodcock has joined German amateur team SC Brueck as coach. = trainer N-COUNT 2. When someone coaches a person or a team, they help them to become better at a particular sport. Beckenbauer coached the West Germans to success in the World Cup final in Italy... I had coached the Alliance team for some time. = train VERB: V n to n, V n 3. A coach is a person who is in charge of a sports team. (mainly AM; in BRIT, usually use manager) N-COUNT 4. In baseball, a coach is a member of a team who stands near the first or third base, and gives signals to other members of the team who are on bases and are trying to score. (AM) N-COUNT 5. A coach is someone who gives people special teaching in a particular subject, especially in order to prepare them for an examination. What you need is a drama coach. = tutor N-COUNT: oft n N 6. If you coach someone, you give them special teaching in a particular subject, especially in order to prepare them for an examination. He gently coached me in French. VERB: V n 7. A coach is a large, comfortable bus that carries passengers on long journeys. (BRIT; in AM, use bus) As we headed back to Calais, the coach was badly delayed by roadworks... I hate travelling by coach. N-COUNT: also by N 8. A coach is one of the separate sections of a train that carries passengers. (BRIT; in AM, use car) The train was an elaborate affair of sixteen coaches. N-COUNT 9. A coach is an enclosed vehicle with four wheels which is pulled by horses, and in which people used to travel. Coaches are still used for ceremonial events in some countries, such as Britain. N-COUNT COACH STATION (coach stations) A coach station is an area or a building which coaches leave from or arrive at on regular journeys. (BRIT; in AM, use bus station) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »IN A SPORT« someone who trains a person or team in a sport  (a tennis coach)  (- see teach) 2 »IN A SCHOOL SUBJECT« especially BrE someone who gives special instruction to a student in a particular subject, especially so that they can pass an examination 3 »BUS« BrE a bus with comfortable seats used for long journeys; bus1 AmE  (We went to Paris by coach.) 4 »IN A TRAIN« BrE one of the parts of the train in which the passengers sit; car (3) AmE 5 »PULLED BY HORSES« a large carriage pulled by horses 6 »A CLASS OF TRAVEL« AmE the cheapest type of seats on a plane or train  (We flew coach out to Atlanta.) ~2 v 1 to teach a person or team the skills they need for a sport  (Nigel coaches a cricket team in his spare time.) 2 especially BrE to give someone special instruction in a particular subject, especially so that they can pass an examination  (coach sb in/for)  (Chorley had to be coached in most subjects for the first two terms.) 3 to give someone instruction in what they should say or do in a particular situation  (coach sb in sth)  (The Callaghan girl must be carefully coached in the story she will tell in court.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Contract Observe And Assess Constructively And Handle sport abbr. Comprehensive Online Access To Coaching Help sport abbr. Considerate, Optimist, Attentive, Confident, And Humanistic ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1556, from M.Fr. coche, from Ger. kotsche, from Hung. kocsi (szekйr) "(carriage) of Kocs," village where it was first made. Said to date from 15c., forms are found in most European languages. Applied to railway cars 1866, Amer.Eng. Meaning "instructor/trainer" is c.1830 Oxford University slang for a tutor who carries a student through an exam. Athletic sense is 1861. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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